If you don’t notice something within 1.5 seconds learn to think faster, all about Intelligence, decisions and common sense.

If you don’t notice something within 1.5 seconds learn to think faster, all about Intelligence, decisions and common sense.

When it comes to thinking and acting fast, we need to find out a way to do it therefore we need to improve our intelligence in order to prove the speed of our thoughts as well. It’ll help our brain get used to thinking and acting faster.

In this article I walk you through about a way to think and act faster to enhance our common sense, which can help us to make our decision quickly let’s get started, it’s all about training our brain to focus no matter how difficult situations we are may be in we all are human beings that usually forgets things.

I’m sure many of you can relate to this unfortunately. So, I learned that one of the best and most effective ways that to train your brain is to work on your memory. You can use reminders or sticky notes for necessary things in life, however try to use them less if something isn't urgent. Try Forcing your brain to memorize events, places, and people's names by default and therefore the more practice you do, the more you may turn it into a habit of your brain quickly memorizing things.

Common sense to me is an awareness of the world around us which may be a various environment striated across several cultures and communities. Common sense tells us how to behave in an accepting and open way among all of these while achieving whatever is good for us or our goals. Common sense is when you use your intelligence to resolve life's problems and create observations.

Disclaimer: The content in this article written by the author is for educational purpose and isn't intent to harm or defame any person company or anyone and the author doesn’t accept any responsibility liability for the accuracy and content completeness or reliability of the information. Anyone WHO wishes to use idea and concepts explained in this article takes full responsibility for his or her action.

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